• Programming in the Life Sciences #20: extracting data from JSON

    I previously wrote about the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) which has become a de facto standard for sharing data by web services. I personally still prefer something using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) because of its clear link to ontologies, but perhaps JSON-LD combines the best of both worlds.
  • Programming in the Life Sciences #19: debugging

    Debugging is the process find removing a fault in your code (the etymology goes further back than the moth story, I learned today). Being able to debug is an essential programming skill, and being able to program flawlessly is not enough; the bug can be outside your own code. (… there is much that can be written up about module interactions, APIs, documentation, etc, that lead to malfunctioning code …)
  • Programming in the Life Sciences #17: The Open PHACTS scientific questions

    I think the authors of the Open PHACTS proposal made a right choice in defining a small set of questions that the solution to be developed could be tested against. The questions being specific, it is much easier to understand the needs. In fact, I suspect it may even be a very useful form of requirement analysis, and makes it hard to keep using vague terms.
  • On Open Access in The Netherlands

    Yesterday, I received a letter from the Association of Universities The Netherlands (VSNU, @deVSNU) about Open Access. The Netherlands is for research a very interesting country: it’s small, meaning we have few resources to establish and maintain high profile centers, we also believe strong education benefits from distribution, so we we have many good universities, rather than a few excelling universities. Mind you, this clouds that we absolutely do have excelling research institutes and research groups; they just are not concentrated in one university.
  • Looking for a PhD and a Postdoc to work on Open Science Nanosafety

    I am happy that I got my first research grant awarded (EU FP7), which should start after all the contracts are signed, etc, somewhere early 2014. The project is about setting up data needs for the analysis of nanosafety studies. And for this, I have the below two position vacancies available now. If you are keen on doing Open Science (CDK, Bioclipse, OpenTox, WikiPathways, …, …), working within the European NanoSafety Cluster, and have an affinity with understanding the systems biology of nanomaterials, then you may be interested in applying.
  • Programming in the Life Sciences #9: APIs and Web Services

    Continuing on the theory covered in this course, this part will talk about application programming interfaces (APIs) and web services.
  • Programming in the Life Sciences #11: HTML

    HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the language of the web, is no longer the only language of the web. But it still is the primary language in which source code of webpages is shared. Originally, HTML pages were always static: the only HTML source of a web page was that was downloaded from a website. Nowadays, much HTML the is visualized in your web browser, is generated on the fly with JavaScript. In fact, that is exactly what you will learn to do in this course.