Forget the journal impact factor and the H-index. You want your research being used. A first approximation of that is getting cited, sure. So, with the Nobel Prize week over (congrats to all winners! the Neanderthaler prize actually helped my work in Maastricht this week), let’s figure out of you are cited by a Nobel Prize winner. Wikidata allows us to figure this out with a SPARQL query (created together with Adriano):

#title: Are you cited by Nobel Prize winners?

SELECT (MIN(?dates) AS ?date) ?work ?workLabel
  (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?winnerLabel; SEPARATOR = ", ") AS ?winners)
  (COUNT(DISTINCT(?winnerLabel)) AS ?count)
  VALUES ?nobel {
  ?work wdt:P50/wdt:P496 "0000-0002-2627-833X" ; # REPLACE WITH YOUR ORCID id
    wdt:P577 ?datetimes.
  [] wdt:P2860 ?work;
    wdt:P50 ?winner.
  ?winner wdt:P166 ?nobel.
  BIND(xsd:date(?datetimes) AS ?dates)
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".
    ?winner rdfs:label ?winnerLabel.
    ?work rdfs:label ?workLabel.
GROUP BY ?work ?workLabel
ORDER BY DESC (?count)

Run this query here. Notice the ORCID given in the middle: change that to your own ORCID identifier.

Please keep in mind that Wikidata does not contain all literature (neither do Google Scholar, Web of Science, PubMed) and not all citations.