New paper: The Virtual Human Platform for Safety Assessment (VHP4Safety)
I have not posted a lot about our Virtual Human Platform for Safety Assessment (VHP4Safety) project yet. Actually, more generally I do not post frequently about the funded projects. This is likely that few of them are Open Science by contract and often they have some formal process in place to approve output. That makes open notebook science-style posting about these projects hard. One is restricted to previously cleared material. -
NASA Transform to Open Science (TOPS) Open Science 101
It was on my radar for some time already, but did not get around to finishing it. But I completed all five modules of the NASA Transform to Open Science (TOPS) Open Science 101 (doi:10.5281/zenodo.10161527). This Open Science 101 consists of several modules, starting with The Ethos of Open Science, via Open Tools and Resources, Open Data, and Open Code, to Open Results. -
Patents, societal impact, and sustainability
Division 1 of our Institute of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism (NUTRIM) held a meeting last week which had a panel discussion on the use of patents to bring research to the market, aimed at PhD candidates of the institute. Patents are one of the routes to make research output more sustainable. For example, the research output into a new method to study something or make something often needs the development into a product. For example, a new multivariate statistics method may need a graphical user interface. As such, the “development” after the research (think, R&D) is often part of the sustainability of some research. -
Better Publishing
If you read my blog, it should not surprise you that I have long experimented with technologies to improve knowledge dissemination, for example in HTML. And I have blogged about publishing from an author and researcher, and editor perspective, for many years (see this longer list on my old blog). Also, in the Journal of Cheminformatics we pushed for innovation, including ORCID and GitHub adoption and Citation Typing Ontology adoption. -
Adding citations between existing articles in Wikidata
Scholarly articles provide context to the factualness of statements in Wikidata, similar to the [citation needed] in Wikipedia. And just like the cited references in each scholarly article itself. The citation network is general seen as an essential part of (doing) science, even without citation intention annotation. Nowadays, citations are mostly open, but this took very serious lobbying by the Initiative for Open Citations and not every publisher reacted immediately. But now that they are open, projects like OpenCitations are making this citation network FAIR. -
Scholia configurability
Scholia is a visual layer on top of Wikidata providing a rich user experience for browing scholarly research related knowledge. I am using the combinatie for various things, including exploring new research topics (a method, compound, or protein I do not know so much about yet), indexing notable research output (including citations), progress of Citation Typing Ontology uptake, etc. This weekend I hope to send around the final draft for the Scholia Chemistry paper. -
Kasabi archive at the Internet Archive
Kasabi was an innovative RDF publishing platform from around 2011. Shortlived, and maybe just too early. I published two open datasets there. One was ChEMBL-RDF (see these posts). The second was a small data sets called ChemPedia, a open science effort to crowdsource chemical names. This is still very much needed, and possibly Wikidata could fill that gap, but it would first need to be able to handle all labels as statements itself.