Open Lab 2007 results
The results for the Open Lab 2007 are out . I participated in this endeavor as judge, and read 75 of the 486 blog items, focusing on the sections chemistry, blogging, publishing, politics of science, and a number of blog items with few reviews when I passed them. -
My Open Laboratory 2007 submissions
As promised , here is my list of submission for the Open Laboratory 2007: -
Last Call for Open Laboratory 2007
Pedro reminded me of the last call for Open Laboratory 2007, which prints the best blog items of 2007 in book form. The list of chemistry contributions is not so large yet, so go ahead and nominate some of cool chemical blog items of the last year. -
One Billion Biochemical RDF Triples!
That must be a record! Eric Jain wrote on public-semweb-lifesci: -
Automatic Classification of thousands of Crystal Structures
Clustering and classification of crystal structures is hot. Parkin hit the front cover of CrystEngComm with a story on Comparing entire crystal structures: structural genetic fingerprinting (DOI:10.1039/b704177b). Now, the story itself, while rather interesting and well written, has three major flaws: