• ChEMBL-RDF: Uploading data to Kasabi with pytassium

    I reported earlier how to I uploaded the ChemPedia (RIP) data onto Kasabi. But for ChEMBL-RDF I have used the pytassium tool, not just because it has a cool name :) I discovered yesterday, however, that I did not write down in this lab notebook, what steps I needed to take to reproduce it. And I just wanted to uploaded new triples to the ChEMBL-RDF data set on Kasabi.
  • InChIKey collision: the DIY copy/pastables

    About two weeks ago, the ChemConnector blog reported an InChIKey collosion detected by Prof. Goodman. Unlike the previous collision, this one was based solely on the graph and not on stereochemistry. The two molecules both have the InChIKey OCPAUTFLLNMYSX-UHFFFAOYSA-N:
  • My Google Scholar Citations profile arrived

    Web of Science is my de facto standard for citation statistics (I need these for VR grant applications), and defines the lower limit of citations (it is pretty clean, but I do have to ping them now and then to fix something). The public front-end of it is Researcher ID. There is an Microsoft initiative, which looks clean but doesn’t work on Linux for the nicer things, but the coverage of journals is pretty bad in my field, giving a biased (downwards) H-index. And CiteULike and Mendeley focus more on your publications than on citations (though the former has great CiTO support!).
  • Groovy Cheminformatics 3rd edition

    Update: the fourth edition is out.
  • Data, Nonotify, or Silent?

    I cannot find the bug report just now, but the CDK has an open problem with change even notification, where the nonotify classes still caused change event to be sent around.
  • ChemPedia-RDF #2: Kasabi

    Kasabi is a new, RDF hosting service by Talis. It’s still in beta, and I have been testing their beta service with the RDF version I created of ChemPedia Substances (the now no longer existing cool web service from MetaMolecular to draw and name organic molecules).
  • ChEMBL 09 as RDF

    Update 2021-02: this post is still the second-most read post in my blog. Welcome! Some updates: