GoatCounter, Rogue Scholar and more new things
About a year ago I started migrating my blogger.com blog to a git-version-controlled, Markdown-based blogging platform. I have to say, it has been a happy year. It actually is awesome to port old blog posts (follow that here) and to see what I have been working on some 17, 18 years ago.
I do have a nasty bug to fix that causes the conversion of the Markdown to HTML is scaling badly. The system is doing some indexing at the wrong time, and probably all indexing for each post again. Kudos if you spot it.
But while still being on a Jekyll learning curve, some nice things have happened since I started. This blog started with InChIKeys, as demonstrated in this post, which adds this molecule page. On my wishlist is still a CMLRSS-based feed.
Newer is things I worked on since, this includes the following, and something that readers of my blog may be interested in learning about. First, I started counting visitors again, but with the GDPR-compliant GoatCounter. I have been using my social network as advisory board, and knowing what people find interested matters to me.
The second thing is listing in The Rogue Scholar. This is a new platform, like a blog planet, perhaps a bit like (the late) Chemical blogspace and (the late) Postgenomic.com, but so far without the extraction of journal articles (tho it did start recognizing some references), chemicals, and conferences. Instead, they offer archiving by the Internet Archive, DOIs for your blog posts, ePub and PDF downloads, and JATS. The just passed the milestone of 100 participating blogs! Please do check it out, it’s an awesome service.
A final thing I want to mention here is that my blog now has an archive page, which sometimes can be useful.
Let’s see what I can say next year, when my blog celebrates its 20th birthday :)