Chemistry Central and the ORCID identifier
If you are a scientist you have heard about the ORCID identifier by now. If not, you have
been focusing on groundbreaking research and isolated yourself from the rest of the world, just to make it perfect
and get that Nobel prize next year. If you have been working on impactful research, Nobel prize-worthy, and have
been blogging and tweeting about your progress, as a good Open Scholar, you know ORCID is the DOI for
“research contributors” and you already have one yourself, and probably also that T-shirt with your own identifier.
Mine is 0000-0001-7542-0286, and
almost 1.3M other authors got one too. The list of
ORCIDs on Wikipedia is growing
(and Wikidata), thanks to
Andy Mabbett, whom also made it possible to add
your ORCID on WikiPathways.
Anyway, what I was pleased to see today that you can now log in with your ORCID identifier with the Chemistry Central article submission system (notice the green icon):
Many other publishers allow logging in with your ORCID too, which benefits many:
- authors who just enter a list of ORCID identifiers, instead of a long list of author names and affiliations
- publishers, which have a simpler submission system and get more accurate information about submitters
- funding agencies which can more easily track what is done with the research funding
- research institutes which can more easily track what their employees are studying
Don’t have one yet? Get your very own ORCID here.