Groovy Cheminformatics...
Update: the fourth edition is out.
Some project are never finished. Neither is this one, but it is never too late to change how things work, so, taking advantage of publishing-on-demand, here I introduce the release-soon, release-often equivalent of cheminformatics books, my Groovy Cheminformatics with the Chemistry Development Kit book:
With a serious discount for just being the first edition (1.3.8-0), but still counting at 72 pages with 75 code examples, this edition marks a personal milestone (and probably not much more than that). There remains much to do, but I promised a release by tomorrow, so here it is. Next releases will contain more code examples, more functionality descriptions, and more literature reviewing where such code is used in science. The plan is to make new editions with each new CDK release, as well as new editions when I added a new chapter, section, or just paragraph. But, there will not be a Nightly build service anytime soon.
The current table of content is as follows:
Now, the book content is not open content. However, it contains nothing that is not available in other means. It’s just the compilation that makes this book interesting, as well as that I put effort in ensuring the code examples remain working. For that, I ask a minor financial contribution.