The Predictive Toxicology meeting is over. It was a great meeting, by any standard. Very much recommended, and many thanx to Barry for the organization! The meeting was a true workshop, with a mix of presentations and getting work done. I participated in a group that looked at mutagenicity of potential anti-malaria drugs from the datasets of GSK and Novartis recently release as Open Data. We used various tools to predict properties, and plan to make all our results freely available soon. Otherwise, it was also great to meet Nina again (with whom I talked about OpenTox), and to meet other CDK users, including Patrik (SMARTCyp , doi:10.1021/ml100016x) and David (Inkspot).

In the afternoon I walked around a bit more in Oxford, did some more shopping… and visited the Apple shop and played with an iPad. It’s indeed a great piece of hardware. Looking forward to the first Android versions :)