The second day just started of the Open Source Meets Business, and now actually listening to the PHP talk, but here is a short update on day 1, which was the investment summit. It was not so crowded, but especially the talks from the venture capitalists were interesting. During lunch we actually talked to one in person, which was insightful. I will be putting up links to interesting sites mentioned during this conference on my delicious account.

Nothing much more I can tell about this, except for a few general quotes:

  • 2% of the downloaders become paying customers
  • an active community is important, cherish it
  • support as business model is not interesting for venture capatilists
  • don’t think you understand the legal implications

Noteworthy is that we have free wireless at the conference site :) So I downloaded a recent presentation by Jean-Claude about his open science work and blogging efforts, which I enjoyed watching very much. I skyped with my wife and children, and I booked a hotel for the ACS meeting in March in Chicago, as chances are high that I will attend that meeting.

Last night it started snowing, and it is completely white outside right now. The temperature has dropped to normal winter season, which made the burritos in downtown Nuernberg extra nice. Later today, Christoph’s COSI talk is scheduled, and I was delighted to learn via Chemical blogspace that Carlos blogged about it yesterday! Cheers Carlos! In the same blog he also mentions that he is integrating the CDK with something called Kepler. Carlos, if you read this: what is the URL for Kepler?