I plan to do a daily coverage of the Chemistry Development Kit Bug Squash Party (BSP). While Stefan was working hard to get the wiki machine back online after a hard-disc crash, Rajarshi, Miguel and me have been working hard. Miguel started to work on missing JUnit tests for bugs reported on SourceForge and Rajarshi fixed PMD, JavaDoc and other problems. I wrote 19 new JUnit tests and fixed two bugs, but with 44 bugs still open at SourceForge, there is quite some work to do. Luckily, several others will join in later this week.

As can be read on the BSP wiki page, there is work for everyone, on every level, and even for non-programmers. Or just stop by on CDK’s IRC channel (link works with Konqueror, maybe other browsers too) to see what a BSP looks like from the inside.