Earlier I already reported that student text books were picking up Jmol as 3D viewer. Now, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology reports (DOI:10.1038/nsmb0206-93) that they picked it up too, using FirstGlance in Jmol (thanx Peter, for reporting this on the Blue Obelisk mailing list!). And, thanx Eric, for acknowledging the hard work of the Jmol developers.

An example article in this Nature publication is Crystal structure of the essential N-terminal domain of telomerase reverse transcriptase by Jacobs et al. (DOI:10.1038/nsmb1054) about the structure of a part of the telomerase reverse transcriptase (FirstGlance: 2B2A). You can easily google for more articles as they get indexed.

Note that FirstGlance is certainly not the only webinterface using Jmol! An overview of websites using Jmol is found in the Jmol wiki. Those who are not convinced yet, please check out PubMed and search for Jmol there.

And, yes, this makes me a proud Jmol developer!