• Open Text Mining Interface and Bioclipse

    Timo Hannay blogged in Nature’s Nascent blog about the Open Text Mining Interface (OTMI), which is “a suggestion from Nature about how we might achieve text-mining and indexing purposes”. The idea is that each article has a link pointing to a machine readable file containing raw data about (and from?) the article. The standing example uses Atom 1.0 as a container, allowing raw data to be included using foreign namespaces, such as Dublic Core (for metadata) and Prism (for bibliographic data), and the OTMI text mining statistics uses a namespace too.
  • Four graph mining methods integrated in ParMol

    Joerg Wegner mentioned in his blog the graph mining program ParMol which integrates four mining algorithms: MoSS (aka MoFa) and Gaston, which I mentioned in November last year , and FFSM and gSpan, which I did not know about yet. ParMol provides a common interface to the four different algorithms and is, like the four mining modules, licensed GPL. An interesting aspect is that Gaston was originally written in C++.
  • Nightly CDK builds now available

    Rajarshi Guha has set a nightly build service for the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK). The output is pretty, but information rich: it includes results for the JUnit test, DocCheck, and PMD. The compiled jar and the corresponding JavaDoc can be downloaded, offering a cutting edge distribution for users.
  • Protein support in Bioclipse using Jmol and the CDK

    I have not blogged for about a week now, and been too busy with other things, like finishing my PhD articles/manuscript, my new job at the CUBIC where I continued the work on proper protein support in Bioclipse using the CDK and Jmol:
  • Download statistics for chemblaics components

    Here are some quick download statistics for some of the chemblaics components. First Jmol. The new stable Jmol 10.2 was release just over a week ago, and this obviously boosted downloads, breaking the monthly download total of two earlier this year (source):
  • Postgenomic.com maps upcoming conferences

    Conference season is nearing. And just in time, Postgenomic.com added a conferences map showing locations of upcoming and recently finished conferences. Oh boy, do I want to set this up for chemoinformatics too!
  • The CDK data classes and change notifications

    The data classes of the Chemistry Development Kit are mutable, unlike those of Octet. This means that other classes may need to respond when the content updates. For example, a render class. CDK’s ChemObject provides a notifyChanged() and addListener() methods for this. However, as was recently pointed out, while this is useful in editors, such as JChemPaint, this is a performance killer in high-throughput sitations, such as descriptor calculation, or structure diagram generation runs.